What new car are you looking forward to?

Ford Verve. A small domestic with…style??

Let’s see if it actually happens, or if they horrifically screw it up.


Midsize SUV (ie: Trailblazer) with a diesel.

pontiac g8



I was going to post the same

Especially for the price they are shooting for. Though it would still be nice to own an original AE86… one day I will have a classic 80s import.

none - they are all overpriced

Challenger and the Skyline.

challenger’s are gonna be hotttttttt

the g8 and the challenger

zr1 too

I can’t say there are any I’m really looking forward to. It will be cool to see the gtr and zr1 out though.

Shit I forgot about the ZR1.

honestly…none. i just dont like anything thats coming out, or has came out in the last few years. Cars are really hit or miss with me though, I like cars from all eras, but for the most part the newer stuff is a bit too much for me. I know a lot of people like those really sharp and crisp lines, and modern styling, but im not liking it. sorry. :gotme:

GTR is gay, and why would they do an F70, there was no F60.

Why are people looking forward to cars they can’t even afford to dream about owning?

Ferrari releasing their next supercar has about as much impact as some supermodel suddenly becoming single. Either way I’m not going to be tapping that so it doesn’t really affect me.



Agreed,like i said before,i have high hopes for the new Ford Interceptor.Other wise i’ll keep owning and driving older model cars.

Most sheeple want to go with whats new,what cutting edge,what fits the trend,before its even proven,ect…

yeah really

Who says we can’t afford them ? LoL