Well if Medicine is a multibillion dollar elixir big corporations why would you give them your devalued money? I mean their doctors that are taught lies will tell you that you’ve contracted something that you can’t physically see and will prescribe chemicals that are very dangerous to you.
Going to a doctor would contradict everything you believe in, and support the industry/country you seemingly hate.
You’re seemingly enjoying way too many benefits that are by products of the stuff you hate so much.
Can’t make money on Natural? Are you drunk? Have you seen how many natural herbs and alternate medications are on sale? That’s like you saying they can’t make money on water because you can get if from the sink. Where are the facts to back up what you say? Everybody can cry the world is going to the end till the end of time, and then when after 1000000 times being wrong, they will finally say “told you so”
This is what you sound like to me