What percentage of your car's purchase price do you have in mods?

960% on the cabriolet, but i did get the car for about $500(cost of getting it home)

roughly 10% on the ninja after this winter is over

i was thinking that… but chuck and i talked about that before, and he was at about the 100% mark then too iirc

whatd you buy now??!?!?!

lets see

i spent $1200 on my car, and ive put ALOT of time and money into it…

roughly 1700% :eek:

bullshit! You don’t have the MR2 anymore!

on my spec v prob around 178% lol ouch

on my integra , at least 150-200%. all my other cars have just been maintenance shit

Between %60-%70 as i dont really know the exact amount i have invetsed.

After I get the twin screw… about 130% But that wont be till next year… That will be a great year.

666% for the k car. still under 4k for the total cost though lol


If you figure on the retail cost of the parts then it is over 100%, but after salvage of old parts i think its pretty close. I haven’t actually adde it up. If I did, I would probably be suprised. :ohnoes: