what product to use to polish rims?

i have jus bought sum 15" drags there all chrome but i wanna get them even more chrome i want a really good mirror finish to them that when i drive down the street peoples head turns towards my hatch…heres a pic

do they have a clear coat? (you don’t want to metal polish a clear-coated surface)

you can’t get them any more chrome then they are. chrome is chrome. You can polish them with chrome polish and a mothers ball. It worked well for me.

yea they still have their clear coat…but i want them to shine…im going to try that buffing ball idea

buffing ball will simply remove and damage the clearcoat in most cases… you have to deal each surface’s finish with what is appropriate…

i dont think having really shiny wheels on a civic is going to break any necks

to the OP:

:picard: at everything you type.

i just lol’d

chrome has clearcoat?

re-read, use deductive reasoning…then edit.

I deduce he doesn’t know what kind of rim he has…

use that maguirs polishing shit for rims

if they are aluminum with a clearcoat, you could strip the clearcoat and actually polish them. I’ve done this with motorcycle parts that were cleared aluminum. there are write-ups all over the internet on it also.

my fault if i dont know what kind of rims i have…i know i bought them they were put on another car for 3weeks all i wanna knw is do i jus use the mgwiers polisher that comes in a lil can red and white…i knw there drags

i know it’s in a can, i dont know what color it is. i also have “something eagle” polish that i used for my chrome rims

both work fantastic.

people use the maguires for polished slips, i would assume this would be the same

in both cases you’re referring to wheel cleaner for raw metal and not for clear coats.

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after you receive five or so responses post back here so that the people telling you to strip the clear coat learn something.