i dont know what the hell is going on…i wash my hair at least once a day, twice a day a few days a week…and i can’t stop the stupid white flakes, and it’s starting to piss me off…i’ve tried like 4 different kinds of shampoos that are in our shower, and nothing will stop it, tried different conditioners, and it still wont go away…and it makes me look like a bigger scumbag than i really am…anybody have any recommendations on what i should try using? what you use?
you might be washing your hair too much. twice a day is definitely too much. you’re not letting the hair’s natural oils replenish themselves.
cheap-ass conditioners tend to have wax in them and will block the oils from replenishing themselves, also.
Personally, in that situation, I would go through a bottle of head-and-shoulders, washing only once a day, maybe even less (doesn’t mean a really good rinse doesn’t happen on the “off day” though. I would still shower every day). After that, just use whatever shampoo you like. V05 or Suave are cheap, and they are actually kind of decent…especially the vitamin enhanced ones.
Also, adding eggs to your diet will enhance your hair’s health.
this is all advice that I remembered talking to a hair salon owner on another message board. I’m not a fag. I swear
^^ fish oil supplements too
word…thanks guys…
and the twice a day is not every day…that’s maybe 2 days out of the week i’d say on average…
well, my point was, with some people, 7 washes in a week might be too much. might want to tune it down to 5 or 6.
Neutrogen T-gel will help that ish…but in the winter months…esp if you have hard water, it will dry the skin esp. if you are washing it at the volume you claim.
yea I was having the same prob
Switched over to head and shoulders, use it every other day and its been working very well for me. I also use hair product, gel - spray - etc, at a minimum.
My favorite conditioner by far is Loreal’s, the one that comes with Hair Dye, I heart that stuff sooooooooo much, but you cant buy it seperatly
:word:…you can try a bunch of different things…but the cold weather will cause that.
Suave for men with Shampoo and Conditioner
Use T-Gel, Thats what I use. Works wonders, No flakes, no itching. It’s da Bomb!
real men wash their hair with motor oil
I shampoo maybe 2 times a week max.
Technically your not supposed to wah your hair everyday. White flakes are either caused buy a build up of hair products, or it could be just plain old dandruff. If your using a gel or a hair product with too much alcohol in it that could be the problem, and with dry winter air it makes it even worse…
guys with curly hair shouldnt wash their hair every day : )
Astroglide works pretty good I hear…
I use the stuff by the same makers of T-Gel, but it’s a Silver/Blue elipitical bottle instead. It’s got a different active ingredient that works for me.
I’ve had psyrosis on my scalp since I was 5… T-Gel worked great for many many years, but lost it’s effectivity within the last 2 years or so. I tried everything, and the only thing that worked for me was this stuff I’m using now.
And yea, I wash my hair everyday to every-other depending on what I’m doing.
I use the Suave shampoos that are compared to the expensive brands such as Biobasics. I never had a problem with flakes in my entire life though, so yeah.
You should try Selsun Blue (or whatever), Pert Plus, or some other special dandruff shampoo. Go to Sallys Beauty Supply. They have special shit there.
That white stuff flaking out of your hair is probably from all the bukake you endure.
Suave - Coconut (or something)
$0.99 and its the shit.
LOL at posts 15 and 18…mwahahaha