What exactly is in hair conditioner?

So I just got done watching “Grease” on HBO with the girl and took a shower after it was over. Im sitting here watching TV and thinking about the whole 50’s era with their cars and bikes and what not and their use of grease came to mind followed by my shower I just took.

So the questions is, Whats in conditioner that makes your hair soft? I guess I dont understand why it is that we wash our hair with shampoo to clean it and then we put conditioner in it to make it soft. Am I missing something? And yes I know this question is :gay2:

Stop jerking off with conditioner.

why does your skin dry out and why do you put lotion on it to get it normal again?
Same difference.
This is not a complicated concept.

Everything organic/ water based can dry out and become brittle…

more info here: Hair conditioner - Wikipedia

I had no idea myself, so at least that was informative. The shit I use is just an all-in-one, I would never use it if it required separate steps.

I only wash my hair once a week. Sometimes twice if I really hate myself. Clean hair is so weird.

i try to wash mine 2-3 times a week, conditioner once a week

lafengas can attest to why thats needed, hes seen me after a day at the shop, lol

edit: hoody hair is weirder then clean hair. it looks like ive got lopsidded male pattern baldness when i have hoodie hair

I shampoo twice daily but I’m Italian enough that I need to (sadly) in order to feel clean.

i just wash my hair in the shower with shampoo once daily

twice if i went to the gym, b/c i shower again

you guys are fucking weird

same here, before the soda blasting gig. now my LL’s or luscious locks are all dry and brittle

I thought all guys washed their hair every time they took a shower (1-2 times a day, depending on activity) :gotme: 2-3 times a week wtf?

I shampoo my fur everyday,Condition usually 2-3 times a week.

I wash my hair when I shower, 2-3 times a day.

Yeah I can’t imagine not washing my hair everyday.

yup. would be grimy as hell

omg worst idea ever, entire dick covered in dry skin :baby:

I condition my hair and my pubes, makes them all soft too

yeah so anyways there 80s bush you should be shaving a good majority of this off in the first place

EDIT: if you get an LT1 impala at any point in your life i’m gonna shiv you if you don’t swap it to an LS1



Ewww, Shouldn’t you be shaving that? hahahh

I was waiting for those wonderful responses.

There is no hair down there.

But Im sure conditioner would work on it.