What exactly is in hair conditioner?


EDIT: 1000hp sry

does it look like toddler penis now ?

gross. clean hair feels so weird. I can’t imagine my hair being all…clean…everyday. I usually throw on Black 'n Sassy just to cut down on that clean feeling.


If I don’t shower at least once a day, I feel nasty as hell…and I wash everything…I don’t discriminate.

actually if you wash your hair every day it takes out alot of the oils in it and makes your hair dry and brittle. I still wash mine everyday…but I’m just sayin.

You are washing grease and sweat out sorry its called hygiene

one vote for gayest thread of the year

at least someone linking to lemon party is funny

This was what I was confused about when I first posted this thread. It just seems like the conditioner puts more grease and oil back in your hair after washing it. Was just a little confused.

more info on showering with girl ??? :gotme:

i have also hurd that you can use mayo and do the same thing …if a girl comes in i hope she can tell us about the mayo…

but i use the 2 in 1 shit and get it all done at once

^^^^ hahahaha priceless

using an all in one is the same theory as with car detailing. sure you can get a product that waxes your car in one stage, but it will never be as good as using lots of products for the individual uses they were intended for.

this makes me want to start a thread about how often people floss their teeth just to see what results people post.

This is gay.

But I shampoo my hair every couple days, yet shower 1-2x daily.

Curly hair benefits from oils, natural or not- shampooing just strips the hair.

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