What so you guys do for supplemental income?

Valid points, however he was referencing an inside joke when we were at lunch today…

i think at this level you should be more concerned with proper financial structuring such that you wouldn’t be holding the homes in your personal name anyways. you’d have a residential holdco established so that you can take advantage of tax, depreciation and various other financial vehicles to maximize earnings and to protect earnings by putting up legal barriers too… and to write off your cars… most importantly.

also, i see lafengas online but he isnt posting in here and my heart is breaking over it.

“supplemental”…what’s that?

eBay and Craigslist,anyone can do it and chances are you probably have a ton of crap that you don’t use.

You are #alwaysonthegrind
Seems like the slot drain will be one of your claims to fame & fortune. I dig the mellow yellow you just produced, keep the pics coming on FB. :slight_smile:

Gay porn.

You told me in PM you did snuff flicks. Which is it?

They’re not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Gay porn snuff films.

Please PM me your gay porn snuff films…my grandma’s birthday is coming up

Sent from my MotoX using Tapatalk

LMAO. So I finally got a chance to see The Wolf of Wall Street, who wants to sell penny stocks out of my garage with me?

There was just a story about the penny stock NEST going up some ridiculous amount bc people thought it was the same nest as the thermostat…it will be awesome if it turns out it was some insider buying it up knowing people would make the mistake

There are probably a few of those arb trades per year, you’d have to get lucky and act quick. Plus if people don’t know what they’re doing they’ll lose their ass on the flop. Penny stocks are funny to me, the way people believe all the pump & dump BS.

I’ve had more success with 4 card poker than penny stocks…it’s a lot easier to leave the table in the casino

flip whips like bricks, make saves like steve mason