What the hell are you trying to say?!


Your and You’re are not the same thing.

Their, There and They’re are not interchangeable.

Two, too and to are three different words

It’s and Its are different.

Are and Our mean different things.

Scene and Seen both start with S and that is where the similarity ends.

point made

You forgot one and won, a mistake I made just yesterday and didnt correct before it was published.

At least you know the difference.

Oh, here is another one…

Then and than mean different things. One references time, i.e., now and then. The other references choice, i.e., I’ll have beer rather than a cocktail.

Post this on 780 :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, back to grade three lol.

You’re right though, a lot of people don’t know how to write properly, or maybe they just don’t put the effort in when typing online.

me fail english thats umpossible! Ma teetcher sayed that i be gotten alll A’s… And that ain’t not bad! :lol:




a message from today’s illiterate children

I ain’t no good at that there book lernin. but ma momma says i speak tha english good! At least i useta could!

Bahahaha, you’re fired!

So if you guys are all such englishs wizards, explain to me the difference between effect and affect, without consulting the dictionary, google, etc.

This question doesn’t really affect me, but in effect I am answering it anyhow. :stuck_out_tongue:

Temperature affects pressure…it “changes” something

the buttterfly effect…some gay movie with that Ashton guy, but also meaning already “changed”…can only really be used in singular terms I think

And it’s a chassis, not a chassi or chassie.

I love this thread!

Wow, you guys need to get laid, me thinks.

Affect is like the action…the result is the effect.

Think of it this way. Affect = before. Effect = after.

I screw an English teacher on a regular basis. :finga:

I screw an old lady, um actually I think she’s your mom. :finga: jk. lol. :supz:

I’ll properly explain affect and effect. :lol:

Effect is usually a noun, and can be replaced with result. ie: The effect/result will be felt by thousands.

Affect is usually verrb and can be replaced with influence. ie: The will affect/influence the lives of thousands.

And yes, the chassis error annoys the hell out of me almost as much as the “I seen…” phrase commonly found in spotted threads.

Moms are off limit and I hope I don’t have to explain why.