What this is.

STFU, your just happy, bc theres no more fail threads.


it doesnt because the fail threads really turn into personal attacks when you think about it, no matter how used to attacking travis you are, its still not right, at least not for the public forums

  • who cares what the mods do anyways its not your choice all the time :slight_smile: !

no more fail threads is a good thing, those threads are gonna slowly kill the damn forum!

and dont comment on everything travis says, your just trying to turn it into a mess

yeah but what will we do for entertainment?

ya this is true, but its more hurtful than you realize, and there is much entertainment to be had, even withuot a travis thread moving at 90mph until it burns up !

I heard it was more like 140?

spin a dreidel

way to be anti-semetic!

lol i didnt mean it like that

:nuts there was nothing anti semetic about that.

we can practice wearing turbans / turbins / turd bins w/e

now youre just being dumb.


Singh were having a talk at nicks!

Well I was going by the no rules and no moderation part, meaning stuff that applies to other parts of the forum dont apply here, like the no personal attack thing. The way Vlad’s post is to me is that those kind of things are allowed here because its basically a battle (in the battlefield) and battles are attacks.

Honestly he brings on more than half that shit himself and the fail threads are usually a split up topic.

I dont know if theyre gonna kill the forum- those threads usually have more posts than most others.

band wagon… people dont have original thoughts so they just hop on trying to look cool.

shift wouldnt exist without personal attacks so get over it crybabies.

yea i understand the first part of what your saying, but i think its obvious when things get out of hand, and that it is obvious we dont need travis fail threads, 1 or 2 or 10 is cool, but after a while… comon

and i agree if he didnt comment here and there and have to be the last one standing/talking etc then they wouldnt go as far, but it goes both ways , he cant shut up, and you guys love it and will keep him going LOL

the threads got alot of posts yes, but in general, negative is just not a good thing to have hovering around, it is a forum called shift518, not travisfailedinthe518again.com

yea its a band wagon and thats why its not cool, alot will jump in just to talk shit and be cool, but at the same time you can prevent that alot yourself and no one will have shit to jump onto =/

its not a big deal, your right so dont be complaining and get over it, no more travis fails, at least for a while :stuck_out_tongue:

thats fine smart guy, i’ll say everything i said on here in person and YOU KNOW IT ! LOL

You’re all sissy little girls.

Failvis is an opinion, not defamation.
