What this is.

makes for such quality reading material to. :lol

I thought it was a lifestyle.

ahha its def not defamation, but its becoming contamination on the forums, its not needed CLARK !

So you guys are officially engaging in content control?

Just want to be clear.



what this is ,is bullshit

bullshit is what it is.

let’s all not post for a week and go over to RSpeed, make accounts over there and get it booming!!!

sometimes shit gets annoying with thread after thread about travis failing, we all know about him its nothing knew, its entertaining for a while but it gets old

so wat jason did was a good move IMO

and how many commas can you possibly use john LOL

Gravity - 4 / Travis - 0

especially YOU LOL cannot wait for the week that joey is not here

that would be hoppin.

Done. Make it so.


That many

yeah well if no one else posts either because there’s nothing entertaining to do, then everything dies

im already on rspeed, made like 2 posts since 2004 or 2005. :crackup

I believe you made one rater recently…I’m on to you “kraut fed” :ninja :shifty

I get occasional emails asking where Ive been and wanting me to post.

yeah. im scared :ohnoes

All the other threads got locked and deleted.

I’ll miss you guys.

you can turn that off… its called admin email notification… just click the off button. no more email