on a serious note, how about a dvd of old pics in a slideshow format type of thing? me and my sister did that years ago for my parents 25th. They really liked it. all the old pics from when we were children…picswe gathered from parents friends and relatives of before we were born, etc.
throw them a surprise party. My sisters and I just did for my parents 30th and they loved it. Invited family and friends to the pub where we were supposed to have dinner.
Got it catered (food and open bar) for like 3 hours. Then also blew up a picture from their wedding (cutting the cake) for display. It wasn’t too expensive and they really appreciated it.
cabaret. its right behind sheas on pearl street. excellent food, top notch ambiance, reasonable prices, and great location. if you got them 100 at cabaret, it would cover a bottle of wine, apps, two entres, and desert.
couple that with a show, and you have a fun night on the town. probably spend 250 total…