What to do in Houston?!!?

Well I’m going to Houston to work for two weeks starting Monday, and was wondering if anyone knows of anything cool to do?

I’ll have a company car, so maybe I can throw on a 100 shot and hit a local track? Just kidding…

Any good places to eat/visit?

I have the feeling they are going to offer me something better when I’m down there and if they do I’ll be moving. I’ll stay there until I finish my masters, since they’d be paying for it. :slight_smile:

Shoot me some ideas!

Edit: I’m a suck at English.

spell the city name correctly? :stuck_out_tongue:

and throw, not through



Josh where are you staying?


I haven’t got the hotels name yet. I should have it later today.

Is Houston still america’s fattest city? If so, im sure theres some good restaurants to check out

Houston fucking sucks ass i hate it.

There are TONS of “good” (for you) restaurants in Houston, but i’ve never really had a good time there…

It’s a huge city though, i’m sure there’s SOMETHING to do there…

sip on some sizzurp?

Bang some fatties? Never in short supply there I’m sure.

You’d imagine that a city which is so hot, would be full of skinny tan people. The heat should make you loose more weight then you normally do while outside. Oh well…I guess I’ll be eating a steak taco and banging out some fatties. -:)- lol

If you want fit people, go to Hawaii.


steers and queers

Thats what my dad said… FMJ FTW

Sit in Traffic.

HATE Houston.

Double Tree
15747 JFK Boulevard
Houston, TX

It’s a good thing you have a car.

There is NOTHING around there. Except the Greenspoint mall…

There’s a reason they call it the Gunspoint mall. LOL.

Josh what are you looking to do? I have some friends down there, i bet they can help.

The “montrose area” is like our elmwood/allen

Be careful the 4th ward is really bad… i think.