What to Do?

Alright guys, i need your thoughts on this one cause i am stuck. In Sept or so i bought my 91 240 off of “AxleRod” and well i love the car works great no problems with it other then replacing the clutch, the first couple weeks, no biggy. but love the car, love driving it. now i just joined the military, been gone for the past two months basicly. came home thursday night, took the car out friday and that night blew the side of the tranny out of it. no idea how, or why. as of right now it is sitting in the rona parking lot, going to pick it up in the morning. but i am not sure what i am to do with it.

in march i am being posted in edmonton, and i was thinking of bring it with me orginally, but now not sure, do i fix it and sell it. or sell it as is, give it away. or well be a dumb ass and throw a sr in it and make it a track car and bring it with me west .

the over all car is in alright shape. some rust of course, frame rails are more towards gone then there, but it is just metal, so fixable of course.

as of right now i have a place to store it, so let me know, cause i have no idea what to do with it right now.

Well to get a new tranny and put it is does not cost to much money, so you should really figure out what you want to do. It does not really matter what we think. we are not the ones driving the car.

It is all up to you brother

would make sense if you wanted to buy a tranny and ship everything to edmonton and work on it there… I could even get you a good ka tranny <$350

Hey Jonathan, I’m sorry to hear about that

If you want my opinion… if you like the car and want to keep driving it, you can always put the SR in because it’s always swappable to another car if she dies completely.

However, you may be kicking yourself later on… I heard up in Wainwright, in the winter you had better have a truck or you’re not going anywhere!

yeah so come the spring, i i think i might just be looking for an sr guys… and a few set of tires

maybe where ever you left the car when you went away, someone took the car out for a little joyride and helped you to blow out the tranny…