I am sure this has been discussed somewhere on here before. I just scheduled my road test for my bike. Next one I could get was 9/26 :headbang. But I was wondering, what should I expect to do on the test? Anything they really look for while riding?
Make sure you check your mirrors and look over your left shoulder before you pull away from the curb.
Make sure you can do a figure 8 with out putting your feet down.
Make sure you can do a circle without putting your feet down.
It’s pretty easy. You make a couple rights, couple lefts, go through an intersection and hopefully at the end you have the little slip of paper saying you passed. Good luck!
make sure you use your directional when you pull away from the curb…or at least hand signal. they normally dont require hand signals on sport bikes anymore…as far as your circles and figure 8s they give you the width of the road. i easilly had 25ft haha to do mine…2 lefts 2 right and 2 figure 8s without putting your feet down. basically they know yo ucan drive just making sure you can control the bike. real easy
I would add: Yield to traffic like you are 99 years old! I passed all the other crap, with out a ding at all, but failed becasue the instructor said I didnt yield to on coming traffic. Long story short, he was rather far behind me, and the street had limited view down the intersection I passed through, unless you are stoped at the corner. I came to a complete stop, waited as I should have, and proceeded to pull out just as someone in a truck was pulling away from the curb about 10 car lenghts down the road. from the perspective of the instructor, I did not give the other driver enough time. his opinion vs mine vs my uncle who was driving the instructor, but the douche already put it in the computer and i failed.
Any last tips before my test tomorrow? Someone told me I should signal when I do my turns, I don’t think I need to???
What I picked up so far,
signal when pulling from the curb
check mirrors/ blind spot before leaving the curb
yeild to traffic
do a figure 8 and 2 circles with touching the ground
THe test dudes don’t like a bike with no mirrors a loud pipe and a tailight delete kit.
Also don’t wear a bunch of like motorcycle racing gear, do bring gloves and helemet though maybe a jakcet it might be cold and a scarf possibly (but not one of those gay GAP rainbow scarfs, maybe something solid color a grey or a black to match you pants or something)
Accessorize and the instructor may ask you out and pass you simply for a #
Edit: Ohh and a thong is probly a bad idea unles its like pink leopard print
get a moped… Just obey the law and do all the shit it says to do in the book. Signal, come to a full stop at the stop sign, don’t speed, etc. I had to do my figure 8’s on a skinny ass dead end road with curbs/ sidewalks. I put my foot down one time, but the guy did not seem to care. I have been on bikes for 24 years, I rode a honda 50 when I was five years old, and had other bikes thru my whole life so the comfort plays a big part with the road test guy. And if you fail, just sign up again and do it over. My girlfriend took the bullshit HVCC motorcycle class and got hers. She has about a total of two hours on a bike. I don’t think she should be on the road at all. That class is fucked! Anyway thats my 2 cents.
Thanks for the input fellas. I just need to pass this test the first time around. I really don’t have time to keep going to them, lol. I figure I will practice the circles and figure 8’s all day tomorrow before my test. Hopfully I don’t get some douche bag instructor looking for anything to fail me on.
Did 2 circles each way and a figure 8. Some douche bag cut me off on my 2nd circle and gave the instructor the finger. He returned the favor with the his finger, lol. Mad cool guy. I screwed up on the turns. I needed to take sharper right turns to block people from cutting me off.
dude haha same with me i took my test on the 12th of june my permit expired on the 14th of the same month of this year haha i had 2 days before expiring and if i failed i woulda been PISSED !