What to look for in an STI

Hello all,
I am hanging up my Honda jacket for some Subaru love and I was looking for some tips on what to look for in buying a used STI.

I am going to North Carolina on thursday to look at this:

What should I look for as far as problems. Basically I have been told to look for oil in the exhaust to check for blown turbo. Anything else?

Thanks in advance

Looks pretty nice, seems like he knows what he’s talking about and its actually been well maintained. I’m sure Mike will eventually chime in here, but i’d just check the normal things as you would with any other car, he already mentioned the “clunky” struts which seems to be common but doesn’t really effect anything.

A couple differences between the STi and most cars: One way to tell if they’ve been tracked is to look at the color of the calipers. The sticker will tend to turn black, and the calipers dark brown. compare the front to the back. If you think any discoloration may be brake dust, it’s not hard to reach through the spokes with a wetted paper towel and wipe it down.

Make sure the clutch engages near the floor. They are a real pain to replace compared to a FWD or RWD car.

The car you’re going to look at looks really nice. It seems to be well cared for! Remember in '04 they came without a radio, so someone other than subaru put the sound system in. Good luck.

Thanks, I think in buying this car the radio install is the least of my worries at this point. That is something I can fix myself at least. And the car will be autocrossing in a few weeks, so if its had some experience at it that ok in my book.

I’m mainly concerned with any turbo issues or motor/trans issues.

I have read all the faq threads on Nasioc and iwsti and I have been doing as much research as I can. I know Subarus are great cars just don’t know them like my Hondas :slight_smile:

You might want to read this, good luck:


Some excerpts:

"General STi Information (all USDM model years)

The 04-07 STis all share common platform. When buying a used one, sometimes a well-maintained and unmodded car with higher miles is a better investment than a heavily modded low miles car. In fact, aftermarket parts rarely increase the value of a car compared"…

"06 STis
The first of the “flying V grill” STis. There were a few styling updates in 06, but the cars is very similar to the 05s mechanically.

–The only year that offered Steel Grey Metallic.
–The Subaru logo badge on the trunk is held on by screws, which leave holes in the trunk if it is removed.
–The first year to include the “roof vane” spoiler, which is stock.
–First year of “Altezza” style brake light assemblies.
–Default torque split was changed to 41/59 front/rear, increasing the front bias slightly.
–Daytime Running Lights (DRLs) became standard (though owners sometimes disable them).

–Early build 06s came with liquid-filled motor mounts that tended to break under sudden stress (launching the car, for instance). Subaru reverted to solid mounts later in the production run. There is a TSB on the liquid mounts, and Subaru will replace them if they break."…

The transmissions are rock solid. If the motor has 80k, you have nothing to worry about unless you plan on really turning up the boost. You should see/start thinking about a timing belt the same way you would have to on a Honda.

Look for the ones with 3 diamonds in the front and Evolution on the back. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would spend a little more and buy a car with lower miles.

If funds would allow I would like an 05 but this one seems super clean and minimal mods and well maintained and the guy seems to be very straight forward.

oh and as much as i like the new evos… just cant do it ;p

Comb through all his previous posts. Seems like a good guy, but also seems like there was mods on at some point. I think I saw mention of an exhaust and a intake, looking briefly. You might find more history. Also google his username and the vin #.

Personally I looked for a completely stock, never modded sti. I got my 04 last November with 25k miles for about 20k, I paid a little more than private, it was CPO. The other sti’s I looked at privately had quite a bit of history and past issues, mods, ect.

Thanks, hard to find a pure stock car in my funding range. Even at all. Some guy just posted a bone stock 04 on nasioc for $23k. I think hes a little high… ;p


evo 9 ughhhhhh

The IHI VF39 turbo that comes on the car is prone to crack on the exhaust housing. If you search around the boards you will see numerous cases of this. I know the heat shield blocks a lot of the view but try to get a nice look at the turbo and make sure it doesn’t have any cracks.

stock car
less miles
evo engine bays are not a cluster fuck
and the engine setup is similar to a honda which you are familiar with

They can run from about 400 if you find a used one on nasioc. if it is cracked.

were is neonGLH? Hes had like 3 STi’s and 1 evo, 1 of each right now. I’ve driven them both a bunch.

Get a evo!!!

Thanks but pretty set on a white sti. This thread is about what I’m going to buy not what’chall think I should buy… :wave:


it’s probably in pretty good shape, sounds like it’s been taken care of… it’s got strut clunk, they all do, its just annoying to listen to. i see it has stock swaybar endlinks which bend easily especially on an upgraded bar, so check those are straight.

I don’t really know what happens with them with miles on it, I got rid of mine before 60K, but the 60K maintenance replaces and checks a lot of the car so if that was done thats good. definitely check for oil consumption, see if its low…

edit: and the park bench is already removed so, clearly the owner has good judgement :slight_smile:

most of the time the strut clunk, you “fix” for a few weeks. If you let the strut unloaded by taking the car weight off it.