What to wear to a wedding? Also, what makes a good wedding gift?

It’s not about what is worth what. To be honest Whitey’s wedding this weekend is the first wedding I’ve ever been to since I was like 4. The formalities of such an event are completely foreign to me. I just didn’t want to make an ass out of myself… but knowing the guest list there is .000001% chance that anything I could or would do will be top 25 things that will be remember from this wedding. PSK FTW.

Snuggys with a picture of your shining face?
No seriously Mike if you wanna do something nice how about commemrative housewares or jewelry

Best gift is a


See tux above, problem solved.

cash and a suit… We registered for a bunch of shit, but at the end of the day the cash was most helpful

We didn’t see either until after the honeymoon though, someone else brought everything back to our crib for us, and we didn’t get to the house until two weeks after the wedding…

Whatever you don’t care about puking on after the open bar.

You call me a hillbilly and yet you are the one asking if you should wear a suit to a wedding. :slap: :nuts:

money>*.wedding gift

With an open bar… the goal is to not remember anything. :beer: :idb:

“tux” t-shirt

When have I ever called you a hillbilly? You’re a fucking IT nerd.

I am sure it’s come up at some point the the past decade :love:

I want to be formal, but I’m here to party.

What else is there to do at someone elses wedding other than get shit faced and shag bridesmaids?

thats what i thought then i was in the wedding and only bridesmaids were taken and i was the only single groomsmen so i figured sure thing right?

well not so much my ex was there. figured i would play that game… well access denied boo to not having game and my ex being everywhere

Darkstar would have impregnated at least 3 of the bridesmaids before the ceremony even began. You fail.

i actually think impregnating 3 woman or 1 for that matter is FAIL not impregnating any is FMW

deadbeat ftw!

that is pretty standard right there.