What was your SAT score?

1050 … i suck at taking tests

i got a 1300. 650 math 650 verbal, jack of all trades master of none. (1996)

my cousin got a 1570 or 1580 a full ride and flunked outta college after one year :rofl: :rofl:

I did terrible… not because I’m uneducated, or stupid… but because it tested on things that I didn’t encounter everyday.

I had a 1310. I know a kid that went to Central and got a 1590 and knew the question he missed…

I took it back before they made it easy. :smiley: And I was at a disadvantage because I’m Italian American. j/k

1230: 700 math, 530 verbal Surprise, I’m an engineer.

According to my score I shouldn’t have done as well as I did in college. And I placed out of the freshman English requirement. So POOP to SATs!


top 2% in the country for math. 640

bottom 16% in verbal. 400 i really really suck at english shit.


Ok, you will all probably laugh and think I am totally retarded, but I’m always up for a good laugh. I scored a 780 on my SAT’s, and I chose to never take them again. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA and really didn’t apply myself to the best of my ability. So, I truly think those tests are a joke. Meanwhile, I’ll never forget this, a kid that didnt even get to graduate because he flunked his senior year, scored a 1380 on his. So I think that goes to show you those tests are bullshit. Then again, I suck at math, and probably scored nothing in math, and decent in english. I cant remember back that far what the exact scores were. Good thread to make some smart ppl look like dumbasses, LOL

1020 graduated with a 2.5 MAYBE

then went on to graduate from college with a Master’s and Bachelor’s in 5 years with a 3.79 in the Graduate program and a 3.2 in the Bachelor’s

high school can suck a big one!

yea they mean squat. have someoen that scored next to perfect build a motor or tear into a tranny or hell do other things that arent in a book.

its a biased test, i knew i wasnt going to college but knew i was going ot some type of school so i didnt bother to take them. realize whats the point

1320 760 math/560 verbal waaayyyyy back in 1992. Two engineering degrees and a law degree later…


1050-1100?? not sure now. But think it is a piss poor way to judge students

1030 :frowning:

they started giving the new ones last year. i got a 2080 out of 2400 (i guess its about the same as high 1300s)…my buddy got a 2310 the first time he took it.

1140 about 3-4 years ago. I really wanted to take it over because for some reason I decided to go to a party the night before lol

1330, I forget the splits, but I know my math was a good bit better than my verbal (hence…Mechanical Engineering)


splits for me were 600 math and 430 verbal

1290 back in 2002