What was your SAT score?

never took them

They were overrated anyways.

Hell, there were people at CMU that probably got 1600s but didn’t have the social skills to interact with a 2x4.

:rofl: or a charcoal grill :kiss:

  1. Took it once and didn’t want to take it again.

they’re there so subjective grading isn’t the only criteria…

you goto Shadyside academy i goto Perry and we both get Straight A’s…
your mom is a teacher, mine is not…
90 is an A for me 93 is your min A…
i’m the QB, your not…
your Rich, i’m poor…
you think these don’t play into your highschool grades/status :dunno:

you can’t trust the teachers to be the only source of your academic performance. there’s a reason i tested outta all politics/history and one english course, went to college on a partical scholarship (due to a funny essay i wrote the president about his school), but graduated highschool with a 2.3. i didn’t magically become ‘smart’ at test time… the subjective grading scale + new kid not from money + my sarcastic attitude towards teachers when confronted = a C average

SAT + Grades + Interview = well rounded view of the student.

im smarter than everyone anyway…

My split was 710 Verbal, 600 Math… God i hate Math

mine was 1170 and i was kinda stoned fired up about an hour before the testing. yeah that was stupid but i was calm. that was also back in 97.

xxx now

770 SAT
3.12 GPA when graduating college
3.86 GPA in Major when graduating

1040…fell asleep during the math part, which was my good point in school

SAT:1370 (650 Math, 620 English)
ACT: 28 (29 English, 26 Math, 28 Reading, 29 Science)
College GPA: 3.08

GRE: 1380 (4 on the essay part)
Grad School GPA (so far): 4.0

Hmmm…you did that well on math, eh?


LOL, math was fine, typing wasn’t (thank God it wasn’t on the test), 720 was my verbal not 620.


1470 but it doesn’t mean anything outside of your senior year of high school

I got a very low score. Then i took an SAT prep class and found out a basicly did the whole test wrong. I half assed guessed on anything i didnt know instead of leaving it blank like i learned in the SAT prep class. But then i never took a 2nd SAT.

(old test, circa '88/'89)

It was >1400 IIRC, and I scored higher on verbal than math…which is rather ironic considering that I program computers and have a degree in mathematics.

Just imagine Tyler Durden (from Fight Club)…

you are not your test score.

1120 in 1997.