What would be the best vehicle for our 4 weathers? 5 cars inside.


Damm, hehehe many idea’s and good advice from all of you guys, thanks.

I also liked what “Bmwww” said about the Subaru, I didn’t know that their parts were cheap, but, I really like Nissans, because they are both powerful and reliable, most other cars are either or, that we have discussed so far.

I think Maxima shouldn’t have problem driving in the winter even with high 13’s 1/4mile, as stock its pretty close to that. Started watching vids of stockish 03 maxima, damm fast MF, with intake, someone was pulling 14.1

I can’t believe it but I saw a video of a SR20VET AWD sentra, was sick.
This got me thinking, hmmm, Nissans are really bad ass.

So im sticking with Nissan.

Since they don’t make turbo’s for them it would be fun, making a custom Turbo kit for it down the road.

If I ever get rid of my summer toy, I’ll replace it with a 350Z, but for now I’ll start looking for Maxima.


Kazz, are they really expensive in your experience?

– My uncle’s got an '98 Impreza, and he does all the work himself… He’s usually the really frugal uncle of my big family, yet he plans to own the car forever because its not an expensive car to put on the road, and keep on the road. YMMV?

first time i hear subaru with a supercharger and relailable maybe but wrx is know for weak tranny

there tranny’s are ok but not like the Nissan ones.

dont think you can get 500hp and have a reliable factory tranny from any MFR.

all need upgrading (unless you swap to a viper drive train…but then there goes the decent roadability in the winter

I would go with the Maxima, they handle our winters well with fwd and dedicated winters. I had a 5th Gen Max and it had lots of power and comfort.
Another car is a G35X, they are awesome in the white stuff and are a great handling car.

i have a 2004 maxima and i’ve loved the car since i got it in late 2003. its a big n roomy car with a lot of go. i have on a rear sway bar n front strut n already feel a lot of the body roll gone. as for parts, theres not many companies out there that are providing parts, but there are y-pipes, full exhausts, intakes, but currently no turbo kits yet. they drive great in the winter especially if you have winters on. and the heated steering wheel will do wonders in the winter.

on another note: it’d be great to have another 6th gen in the GTA thats interested in mods.

^^^ sick.

is 6th gen the newer ones, I’m looking for the 2003 models, I like the new design but think, the 2003 is still more sporty in my opinion, the new one has more of a grown up business look.

I really don’t mind the lack of aftermarket parts, I usually like playing around with custom add on’s and learn hand’s on from my friends and cousins, then rely on overrated results from branded manufacturers.Plus you get more points since the parts become one off.

we found out recently that the maxima y-test pipe does absolutely nothing in terms of gaining hp the maima makes the most with the right header, and intake.

But yea im sticking with Maxima now, even if its stock for a while it will be fast enough not to embarrass me.

yea 6th gen is the newer ones. i guess each to their own. i think my maxima looks pretty sporty actually with the stillen kit. mayb u’ll learn to like it more once you see it in person =).
racingline actually tested their y-pipe on a 6th gen recently and they came out with some impressive numbers. i think it was around 12hp gain n 13torque.
glad u decided to pick a nissan out of the bunch though.


Yea I think it’ll take me time to get used to the 6th gen, don’t get me wrong, I seen and been in a few, and God, they look sexy from certain angles.

Funny story 2 days ago

I was with my cousin, and yea you’ll hear about them a lot, because I have no other ride yet ,lol, anyways we were getting a car wash, and I was on my way into the gas station to get change, and there was a beautiful 6th gen smoke grey clean maxima with those sweet SE rims, and the guy was filling her up, looking the other way at the pump, and as I walked up to the car, I just smiled slowly, with an evil grin on my face, went closer, lip synced, damm sexy baby, went closer, and again lip synced, FuK*in hot, lol got few inches closer and there was a mother sitting in the front passenger seat, and two hot girls in the back, and they were like jaw dropped looking at me, and I was like ohhhh FUK, lol, and I just walked away. lol

bastards had smoke tint didn’t see them. Lol

Anyways, I think the newer Maximas are starting to get better parts and good ones, Y-pipe we had gained about 3 whp on the 03, which if you know compare to the cost is not worth it.

^^^ thanks that would be awsome.

^^ damm thanks, i’ll try to get a copy of this if not interenet it.