What would it take to shi* your pants?

^^ lmao… sounds bad already

those mexicans must have really strong stomach then or they poison for foreigners

hey i lived in cancun lol man id die for real mexican food right now … but the food is really heavy tho… weak people cant eat real food hahaha…

taco bell? get the **** outta here thats not even close to mexican food man… dont insult us

Hahaha, Zep, I was wondering how long it would take before you posted about that.

I’m chinese, I’ve ate much worse than mexican food and been fine. We eat our shit raw… haha.

Iono, maybe it was the water, but I can’t take mexican food at all.

some of my friends are crazy with their food…one whose from chile…and the other guy whos indian…i unno how they can handle the spiciness

Where did you live in cancun? cancun city I imagine.
<–has been to mexico more times than I can remember… Cancun at least 5 times. All were 10 day vacations…
I did notice that after the most recent hurricane, that the “birds” no longer like to travel there… Its all balls now.

Where did you stay in cancun? Oasis Cancun?
I stayed there once, and I will never go back to that hell hole… I avoided the food! and went to cancun city to eat some real food. But that place has the most ladies, thats for sure. Yay FOAM PARTY!


my moms telling me not to go to mexico because ppl from here keep getting killed over there

Hahaha, “foam partiieee”

I forget the name of the place I went to, it was a few years ago now. I prefer Cuba, I’ve been there a bunch of times now.

Next trip is to Japan later this year

dam, good way to drain the bank account. heheh

My money goes out so much faster than it comes in already… hey, what’s a little more debt.

Honestly, its a shame what happend to the kid from woodbridge. But let me tell you from personal experience.
Its not really that bad, I have gone twice by myself and have had no problems.
I would not recommend any females going by themselves but if you have at least one other person with you, you should be fine.

It just comes down to comon sense, I have seen several ppl get the beat down from cops and even punked for all their money by the cops. Of course these ppl were all doing foolish things.
I saw one set of Canucks, light up a spliff in the middle of the club district, they got stripped clean and arrested. Suffice it to say that they probably had to pay a hefty fee to get out of jail.

I was also in Daddy’O’s once when two groups of locals had it out, I am talking bar brawl, shit flying everywhere, funny thing was that once they got escorted out of the club, they all pretended to be friends. Reason being that the cops will punk them off as well. Oh and all the POPO carry shotty’s and machine guns, I am talking uzi’s.

So again, it is pretty safe. But you must factor in that you are in a third world country, keep this thought in your head at all times and you will be fine.
Oh, I also keep $500 US cash in the safety deposit box of any hotel I stay at, that is your get out jail free card.

Go visit Cancun, they have the best beaches in the world. You will have a blast!


haha, if you say so!?!

But I must admit, I am a travel whore too… This summer I should be in china! well I hope.

^^^ Big spender too.

You’ll probably save on accomodations, but it’ll cost you if you can’t control your shopping.

Some random things my friends have ended up bringing back from China with them:

One friend bought 8000 DVDs and had them shipped back from China.
Another friend came back with 60 prada (Prada style) purses.

Cuba = no americans!

Somewhat better than the carribeans, and DR… I make too many hillbilly remarks , so Cuba for me!

SHANGHAI FTW!! what can i say? I’m a city guy. Toronto isn’t even a city compared to Shanghai haha

lol well wenever i get the chance to go away…but id much rather go to europe where i have relatives…my cousins already offered to put up with me for a month in england haha