Scary Flat Spin


Problem is going to be explaining to the rescuers why you smell like poop.

My anus puckered watching that. How do pilots remain so calm in situations like that?

I thought the same thing a few times but the more I watched it, the more I felt like the pilot handled it very well. He didn’t freak out, at least not on camera, and you can tell he was looking for a place to land the airplane. I expected him to put it in the water.

According to a guy I work with(who has his license) you have to demonstrate how to get out of a flat spin while testing for your pilots license.

Add that to the list of “Reasons Ill never be a pilot” then lol

jesus that was nuts. i can’t believe how calm the dude was.

So calm, while pulling probably several Gs, falling to his likely doom. It also defies all primal logic to point the nose straight down when that low, even if it is the only way to save it. Dude has a pair.

Awesome save.

Here’s a cool video of a (Air Force) T6 Texan. It self corrects- literally hands free out of a spin. My sister is actually an instructor pilot for these… It’s nuts.
