what would you do z24/G35/C5 or other...

i used to have a 300zx 1990

thing i used to bitch about all the time was cup holders. Whenever i got some fast food, i never had a place to put my fucking drink, its a pain in the ass. But thats not really the point. I always would bitch about having old as fuck interiors. I like the updated interiors. I like having stupid shit like power windows/locks. cup holders. innovative change holders. When i get in the driver seat of my DD i wanna be comffortable, have things in good reach. I want good working heat/ac. If u get the G35, i will promise that u will love being in ur car. I drive my parents’ g35 all the time when im home. its a joy to be inside of, its a joy to mash the pedal down, and its also a joy to hit the traction control off and start tearing ass around corners and letting the rear fly.

EDIT: now i have a 2000 xterra, that fucker has 3 cup holders, all different sizes, i never struggle with a cup of coffee or fast food drink. It doesnt have power windows or power locks and the ac doesnt work either. I guess i suck. i cant wait to graduate and sell that thing