What would you do?

Wow, coming through with the City High lyrics… well played

Where is the none of the above option?

Mod the vette…its cheaper and will be faster then your other two options

As for buying a home, don’t forget upkeep and all the taxes which can be a bitch depending on where you live. Considering your current situation, you’re better off continuing it.

Given these choices though, I say mod the Vette.


I was leaning towards modding the vette. And it seems to be the popular choice. hmmmm

mod the vette. you will throw far less money into it than buying a lambo or viper and it will be faster. the vette fits in anywhere u live.

Sell Vette, buy house, invest.

Sounds like a good idea.

i voted lambo…because…lambo, that is all

ur the second one on here i have herd they want a lambo. i haz a ?

where the fuck are u guys getting 100+k to afford a lambo?

also interested no homo

No family of my own, self employed, no real debt, working investments, etc…

I wouldn’t buy either the Viper or the Lambo, but that’s just me.

I really have nothing else to contribute to this thread. :lol


10 Sell vet
20 buy house
30 …
40 sell house
50 profit=x
60 buy bigger house
70 sell house
80 profit
90 if x<y goto 60
100 buy house for close to y
110 enjoy low mortgage if any
120 buy nice car


I’m taking home ~1500-2000 a week right now after taxes, depending on hours. If I stuck with the job, I could easily afford a Lambo. Since it’s my dream car (A real Lambo, not a Gallardo), the thought crossed my mind, but I’ll hopefully smarten up and not do it.

I say do it. those are grgeous vehicles. i highly doubt i’ll ever own one, but i’d agree to driving one at least once in my life.

I drove a 99’ Diablo SV about a year or two ago. I loved it. I also drove a Countach around the same time, just before the guy who owns it wrapped it around a tree. I hated the Countach though, it rode like a box crate and didn’t have any feel compared to the Diablo.

lambos are just classy beasts. people that dont know cars will admit theyre hella sexy cars and those who know what those are will just drool anyway. theyre jsut all about business but in a classy way with all the necessities of a sports car but with creature comforts.

For the record, exotics are great if you’re in a financial situation where you can afford to buy one casually as a toy.

If you have to save up to buy one, they are a disaster.

Don’t take my word for it, ask Cossey.