Whatever Happened to....

real deal had a family to take care of. can’t always be a kid

mrsmith moved to florida

all the car forum sluts come and go. it’s a passing phase for them.

mr smith recently sold my old hatch (shell) after having owned it for a few months. He is still around and I see him fairly often. He does not post on here, though.





oh god :lol:

where is Cartman !!!


B.G. Mikey



yep i was @ a cristophers pizza meet, and i was @ the first southlake meet when lafengas brought out the monte


yeah man, good times :tup:

I remember the whole cartman VS. JoetypeS showdown, cartman got owned.


WELL said. I’m going to visit Dennis in California, in about 3 weeks, can’t wait.


awesome, get my fucking computer back from that asshole for me

those were the days

L8TER JOE lol.

Cartman is sportin’ that Syclone down in Florida, last i heard.


Cartman is sportin’ that Syclone down in Florida, last i heard.


He had a SRT4 when I was down there. The syclone was in need of repair but I’m sure its fixed by now.