whats binghamton like?

I have just been accepted there and thinking about transfering. Anyone here go there or know what its like. I heard the area can be dead but would like to confirm. Insight please :slight_smile:

boring, good luck

i drive through there on my way to jersey all the time… never stop…looks… meh

tony kornhieser graduated from there is there any more to be said…any way i have a friend who goes there its a typical small college town that being said if thats not what your looking for dont move there

i applied to transfer there as well…but after talking to all my friends that went there or graduated said it was boring and to stay here. typical college small town…i can’t take that.

i had fun in binghamton. it’s like any small college town. if you are in with a good group of people, it can be a blast. if you don’t have a lot of friends, it’s horrible.

if you go down there before the school year gets rolling, hang out at the rathskeller. it’s right next to the holiday inn in “downtown” binghamton. 8 pm - 12 pm all you can drink for 5 bucks. you’ll meet a lot of people there.

do not go there without a lot of beer pong skill if you want to fit in. they are at a whole new level down there in that game. there’s some serious tournaments very often for big cash and prizes.

hang out around walnut street and the surrounding area for about 5 minutes and you’ll find someone who will invite you to a party that could be anywhere from a good time to some of the craziest shit you’ve ever seen.

the car scene there is kind of hurting frow what i saw. the VW guys are pretty cool though. i met a few down there and they were cool guys with some decent cars.

if you are into art, the artwalks are a good time.

if you are into alcohol, the artwalks are a good time.

if you are into easy hippy girls, the artwalks are a good time.

^^ hahahah artwalks

I drove through it this weekend and I would intentionally go out of my way to avoid it if i traveled that route again. It is pure nothingness.

I miss binghamton everytime I drive through… and by miss I mean “Did we just go through Binghmaton? Oh… didnt even notice”.

lol true the only reason i know im going through it is because of the “200 miles ahead” signs.

i skipped it for the most part this weekend… unless i didnt realize it :slight_smile:

my gf went to school down there for a year. i was down there at least once a month for anywhere from a weekend to a week. it’s like any other place. you can find plenty of shit to do for a little bit, but you’ll be bored out of your skull if you can’t find a good group of people to hang out with.

definitely visit the place a few times before you make a decision.

just don’t climb onto any buildings and you should be fine.

Boring as hell. Study and spent countless hours walking around super walmart.