What's everyone doing tonight?

I’m at work… SUX !!!

me too

damn… sluts :hitit:

i just came home for a drive!!

im bored, whats good for t0nite

hahahah wedding crashers

taking my turbos off and drinking.

finishing a roll cage, then priming whitey’s to have it ready for paint soon :gome:
hopefully have some aged whiskey with Chad:beer:

hopefully my ass. get that shit done and get over here.

Working until 8. Then changing my Mustang’s differential fluid. Probably watch a movie with my wife and go to bed early for work at 9AM tommorow.


hanging out with g money tonight not sure what we are up to… know her it will involve me spending money…

playing DD since I’m broke. :hs:

it always does

dick digester?

Why don’t you an General G take him somewhere and leave him there…

I have 3 more hours of work… I hate Friday nights… boring as all hell… no one working… no one on Pittspeed.

SUX !!!

Not every relationship has the guy shelling out the bucks…

I was wondering what DD was too…

I’m going to go somewhere and drink my face off.