What's for dinner tonight?

I never tried the onion soup mix…I might have to give that a shot. I try to cook as much as possible on the grill, baked potatoes on the grill are great too, i hate when people make baked potatoes in the microwave…thats fuckin nasty. Also, try taking corn still in the husk, and throw it on the grill…best corn on the cob i ever ate!

Why doesnt anyone ever ask me to dinner???

Sole wrapped over ahi tuna & cornbread stuffing, baked on grill and then grilled.

Side burner of black beans and rice, Cuban style with lime, spices and pepper.


Do you soak it in water first so it doent burn? How long do you cook it?

soak it in a water/sherry mix…try 4 parts water to 1 part sherry, the sherry will give some flavor Carrot crusted ahi tuna, served rare, over risotto cakes with sweet onion coulis

wtf is dinner? 6pack of miller lite

Made some zucchini lasagne today. Pepperoni, fried and breaded zucchini, sauce, and loads of mozz and prov cheese. Sex in a casserole dish.

I’ve done the corn soaked and then grilled, and I’ve also done it where you pull the husk & silk back, brush on olive oil, pull the silk & husk back up, and then grill. Gives it a little different flavor.

Jeff, nice prep on the corn. Love grilled in husk corn, always a favorite.

Kolar, that sounds awesome. Nearly my recipe: lightly sautee’d spinach instead of zuch, grilled chicken tenderloins, a small portion of greasy-as-hell pepperoni, diced tomatoes over basil & oregano and serve it all over wild rice.

06se-r: as for an Ahi with carrot crusting, it sound like a must-try. I prefer couscous or orzo for my short grained starch: however, I’ll try to do a ris’ with that dish based on your recommendation. My ris always ends up too wet/sloppy. As for the onion coulis, I’ll opt for something less heartburn inducing for me…like a blanched leek & thinly prepared potato slices? What do you think of the leek/tater combo as a substitute for that onion with that dish?

beer can chicken,with cajun rub…and glazed with smack my ass and call me sally sweet pepper sauce on the grill

wild grain rice from trader joes…

home made wontons

and yingling balck and tan