Whats he thinking.....

okay import people …i’m sure you domestics guys will have something to say though to insult the 4cyl LOL

this is what I find today on honda-tech…this beautiful clean hatch take a look

then I’m like " NICE "…then i find this


Hhahah its an automatice…d16y7 OUCH that would have to hurt!!

I have to say though that car was put together decently for the most part but what the hell is up with the full cusco cage and having 116 HP :ugh2:

Yeah I would def have to agree with you. The outside is really clean, but the inside is ungodly. Oh yeah how’s h-t doing. I haven’t been there in awhile. I haven’t been that bored.

:slowerthanstock: :bowrofl: I guess some people are into show car :kekegay:

eh…to much on Honda-tech to keep track of, pages turn to new pages ever 15 seconds…hurts my eyes! I still try though.:nuts:

show cars don’t need to go fast…


x2 some poeple just want the looks or maybe it is a work in progress

alright maybe it is a work in process…I agree…but that is exactly what i find funny…you can’t make your car look that nice and possibly fast to fellow drivers unless you CAN get on it and gooooooooo. TO EACH HIS OWN…I just feel bad for the daily races he is subjected to. :tear:

he has a FULL CAGE…come on now

nothing worse sounding than a slow ass 4cyl. with a fart can and an auto tranny.

I don’t understand. If he would’ve waited on the seats and cage I’m sure he could’ve bought a nice swap for his car. I mean hell he could’ve bought and probably turbo’d a b18b for the price of the seats. He could’ve had someone do everything for him for the price of the cage.

But to each his own. Maybe he doesn’t want to go fast. I like how everyone always has to be about speed. Who cares his car ohly has 115hp.

Edit: At no point did it show a picture of his exhaust so he doesn’t have to have a fart can on it. I know Spoon exhaust sounds really good on honda’s.

maybe we luck out and he gets in a wreck and hits his head off his full cage…

as long as he bleeds on the seats or the carpet it will be ok to.

i belive H-T termed these guy “hardparkers”. The act of owning a Japanese car riddled with roll cages/high-end race suspension/expensive forged wheels, and never taking it to the track.

it has a damn turbo timer :rofl:

I’d just call it gay…


at least he has a dope ass decal blocking how slow he is going.

Looks like he half-assed, making the outside look good and then foregoing the rest of it.

What a shame. It has potential.

that bitch is good till 9.99!

all u need is a choute,
drop the H in it and call it a day!

thats sick

I’ve heard that term before, but never knew where it came from lol. I’m sure there will be plenty of “hardparkers” as usual out at North Park tommrow :squint:

and you even gave em ten hp… If I remember right they only have 106 at best…

It’s not a turbo timer, although it does give the apperance of one, I saw one a while ago while working on a Japanese guy’s car. It’s an air freshener, JDM one at that, all the writing was in Japanese…