Whats the best bang for the buck performance car......

Big head, 25K will not buy you an M6. :rofl



You’re a Ford / Honda man… I can see you in (no particular order):

  • your current ride (already nice for budget)

  • GT500 (not doable for budget?)

  • FF Cobra Replica (way doable for budget, given you are someone who can put it together)

  • Honda S2000 (way doable for budget, sans $100,000 under the hood)

  • NSX (high miles for 25k, little return for $ when modding, but rare and captivating)

  • a certain Birel TAG kart tearing $hit up in '10 (buy as toy to reward yourself when all the above don’t turn hard enough :lol)


I agree, you are pretty much in your wheel house for performance bang-for-buck right now.

I’m LOLing at everyone telling him to get some FWD or AWD dumper. Wayne doesn’t want that shit :lol

i say get a big block notch back, something with a 5 or 6 speed for driveablity.

The Cobalt SS is a strong contender in that price range, if you can deal with the rental car styling and boy-racer aurora that tends to go along with it.

GM’s powertrain warranty is top-notch as well. 5 year/100,000 mile coverage is hard to beat nowadays.

How is that an upgrade? My car would destroy one.

for sale soon possibly, in that price range HAHAHAH youve lost your mind.

termi powered kit car would be THE BZNZ

My bad, I thought you were looking for a daily. :rofl


They’re awesome as daily drivers, but not as a weekend/fun car like your Cobra.

My past ahem… indiscretion.

Explain, because that’s my license plate.

Back about 8 years ago, I had an '89 S13 hatch that I (kind of) converted the front from an R32 GTS-t. I say kind of because the front was wider than the rest of the car and the person who started it for me never finished.

The whole reason I did it was because I wanted to buy a CA18DET but was $200 short, so instead of waiting a week I got pissed off and impatient and bought the front clip of an R32 to do the conversion. It was great… Big time failure on my part, though.

did you have a build thread on APG or something… i seem to remember this. pic?

Ohhhh ok

Wayne… We used to hang out all the time at the lot. The red 240 with the blue Skyline front end. Holy shit, does no one remember me at all?!

^You have pics of this butcher job? :rofl JK

Yessum. Unfortunately, I guess I used up the 1mb I’m allowed to post, or something. It’s on my Facebook though.

And I was VERY unhappy with the end result. That and about a month later this company started making conversion kits after seeing my hack job, I asked if I could purchase a kit before it hit the streets, and I NEVER got a reply. I fucked that car up so much…