January 12, 2008, 7:58am
imho what it comes down to, teams aren’t keying on briere or even drury anymore, vanek is the “guy” on this team that other teams are looking to shut down. the vanek/roy/max line didn’t see much opposition from other teams checking lines last season, and they took advantage of it. they just don’t have that luxury anymore. and for some reason he’s just not finishing on those chances that he does end up getting.
i will say this tho, the guy takes a BEATING in front of the other teams net night in and night out, and i gotta give him alot of credit for standing there and not backing down.
Armchair GM-ing.
One mediocre season and everyone freaks. Look at the rest of the offensive production. If the whole team is BLOWING, obviously the star isn’t going to be doing great either.
Granted Vanek could be doing better in some areas, but he is on pace with the whole team at this point.
BTW, Vanek has never been an explosive, flashy skater, and even when he is skating fast, it never did look like he was in the past. His size makes him look slower than he is.
Great answers. this is still only his 3rd season though everyone has on off seasons. I have a feeling that when the team becomes a team again you will see vanek in the spot light more often