What's the highest you've gotten your speedo to read?



many bikes ago…i had the speedo on my 02 r1 189mph and in the zr1 200mph. The bike was prolly atleast 10mph off, and the car-accurate!


fastest I had my R6 was 110mph on a closed course with a professional driver :ninja. That was plenty for me.

sorry my car goes 200…

Matt said he went 177 on my 06’ R6 which was stock.

'93 240SX with SRI - I’ve gotten it to go past the 110MPH mark and into the trip milage box.

'03 Nissan Frontier - 95MPH, then the govern stop you from going faster

'05 Town and Country - 100MPH then the van start shaking for its life

This is the bike section…

do you go to guilderland hs

223 indicated by radar.