What's up all

What’s up guys? I signed up here a long time ago but i’m just now getting into then forums since i’ve pretty much lived at my car specific site (my350z.com). I figure I can get in touch with locals better on here though. I drive a daytona blue 350z and live in the fredonia/hamburg area. Some of you in the area might have seen me around with joesansone17. He even has a recent post of a vid with me and a bunch of others in the thread “something a little different”. Well I look forward to seeing everyone around this summer. Later:eekdance:

is your car supercharged?

yeah vortec stage 1. more mods over winter hopefully. I also have a fully built dsm but there was only so much i could get out of the 4 banger lol. I think i saw you at southgate right?

…yes u did…

welcome :wave:

what up? u trying to go down to a 240?

welcome to the forum!



FUck my assss…

lol, wow:eek:

OMG!!! :eek:

Welcome aboard project Z.


lets see some pics of the z



Some pics. Still pretty much stock for looks. Sorry about quality, they are from my phone because my camera is broken

eww I like :tup:

didnt you have the Gf who was shooting her mouth off about how heavy and shitty the other cars there that night were?

Nothing says hello like telling someone their girlfriend is a total bitch.

lol, beats me man.:gotme: She does like to talk shit but when she does it’s usually about my car:lol: