whats up with all the abused older kids?

it’s all in the food!!!

Originally posted by Darkstar

Fuck our society for always having to have a scapegoat.

That’s the problem.

Fuck lawyers

thats another thing, FOOD! They are all over food makers for marketing to kids. Kids aren’t buying the shit for themselves. Its not the food either. Part of its just plain and simple genetics and the other part of it is kids are fat casue they are lazy!!! I may be city born and rasied but there wasn’t one day when i was little i wasn’t back in the woods building a fort or playing “guns”

Playing “guns”. Sounds violent doesn’t it. I still don’t believe it promotes anything more than fun and games for little kids. If we all thought the same as we did when were little we’d all be faggots (girls had cooties). I don’t think playing “guns” when you are little leads to murderous rampages in your adult years. Like my aunt, she won’t let my cousins have toy guns but yet they can watch all those f-ed up fantasy cartoons and they have “timeout”. Thats BS, parents need to dicipline their kids. I’m not sayin they should wail away on them but sometimes i think a good spanking is what they need. It should be more like teaching a puppy or a kitten, they shit on the rug, they get the newpaper off the nose. now you can’t hit a little kid across the face with news paper but you can be firm without abusing them. Anyone have an italian mom/grandma? you learn your lesson the first time!!! Ever ask a black guy who he’s most afraid of? Mom or grandma. Some people say that the lack of fathers is the cause of stuff which is true but most guys are only afraid of their dad till they are old enough/ big enough to kick his ass. I’ll bet that a lot of moms of child killers/criminals are no more strict than a yield sign.

i loved “guns”, it got even more fun around 8 or 9 b/c you could play guns and actually own a pen knife to cut branches, disect worms, whatever…

onto the parent thing… beating your kids (within reason is GOOD PARENTING)… kids should be afraid when they are bad

i have both parents, both normal ppl. mom did all the yelling and hitting… dad was the last resort. I called my mom a bitch once when i was 12, my dad (a plesant, relatively quiet, christian man, i only heard him say the F word twice and both times after i turned 22) had me two feet off the ground by my neck against a wall… i got the message, kinda…

but i still smarted off as soon as the 3 or 4 seconds he held me was over…“I’m gonna call child welfare on you”… how’d he handle it… “go ahead, they’ll arrest me, and take you and your brothers away too… it’ll kill your mother and grandmother and the whole family will be ashameed…you’ll ruin everyone’s life all b/c you didn’t know when to shut your mouth.” i’ve never said anything like that to a woman (sober) since.:eek:

damn you are lucky, if i called my mom a bitch, i’d be picking up my teeth or i’d be walking around without and ear on my head. My grandma would have beat me senseless. But i can realate about the dad thing, he never said something unless my mom told him to and he once picked my up by my neck when he thought i gave my sister a bloody nose.

i remember those days. thanks for the memories. [ im serious] with all being
said you dont see anyone from that background commiting stupid shit. it was
usually the ones who had the timeouts. i found out having sticky hands equaled
swollen hands. i hated those damm spactulas[especailly the metal ones]

we had a land o’ lakes bread board… i f’n hate that indian :tounge: