whats up

here are some pics of my car like i said its soon to be boosted next week ![delsol rear.JPG](delsol rear.JPG)
![delsol side.JPG](delsol side.JPG)

some pics of the car soon to be boosted
+![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/delsol side.JPG](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/delsol side.JPG)
![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/delsol hood.JPG](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/delsol hood.JPG)
![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/delsol rear.JPG](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/delsol rear.JPG)

so now i see why (farley) has a problem i just realized your getting over the fact that your a vw driving homo lol

your just pissy that there isnt a honda in the world that makes a n/a 300 horse power that does wheelies an goes 11- 10’s. and besides… you drive a del slo… thats a red flag in its own right. that screams faggot faster than your mothers obviouse misuse of the emergency contraceptive she apperently fucked up…guess she shouldve swallowed.

to each his own
i like my car so fuck your opinion

hahaha whatever man i drive it not you
everyone is entitled to there own opinions
atleast you have the balls to voice yours
your an asshole just like me lol

oh… i thought i was being quite nice with my response… ask tonyk or klink about jsut how big of an asshole i really am…

i am sure they both remeber " OMFG GUYS 7 times in 45 mins…" that poor child.

someone needs to chance this faggot’s username. There is only one del slow around these parts, and his name is not Cody.

i bet it actually doesnt look as bad as it sounds <edit: i didnt see the pics before posting, that ish is fugly>, but im into ‘off the beaten trail’ type stuff, ie a white honda with a carbon hood and some motegi’s is classic, but its also gettin played out

like i said guys i just got the car less then 2 weeks ago from my buddy for 800 so ive done nothing but stick my old wheels on it and put a motor in it…give it time and let me get the shit done then you guys can criticize it all you want…i know its ugly

like i said guys i just got the car less then 2 weeks ago from my buddy for 800 so ive done nothing but stick my old wheels on it and put a motor in it…give it time and let me get the shit done then you guys can criticize it all you want…i know its ugly it really needs a paint job

Oh come on, it’s more fun to criticize it during the build process, haha. Keep truckin, and get it done!

wat up


haha i know believe me i feel gay driving it now but hopefully not as much when its done olu i might sell it cause i need a bigger car

im gonna be a dad so 2seater isnt gonna work

what would you buy if you sold it? Any ideas?

welcome.body seems to be pretty good on it.

SPC_Wright idk i really want another 4wd or a 4dr civic

spc idk i would like another 4wd tracker or a 4dr civic or ek hatch

spc idk i would like another 4wd tracker or a 4dr civic or ek hatch
something along those lines

thanks man thats the only reason i got it is cause its clean for 800

either way the car is a girls car save it for your babys momma cause itz a 1.5 its Junk shoulda kept the hatch