What's wrong with autox???

when i was a novice a couple years ago i thought the instruction availible wasnt too bad. although if you wanted help after having a run w/o it, it was a little tougher to find someone. But all in all back then it was good.

I would have to side with Brian about the work assignments getting screwed. There were more days then not where there was no down time cause of getting stuck working the course until your next run. It was frustrating and a big turn off about the whole day, cause i didnt want to pay $20 to sit and work 90% of the day. I understand that the asignment giver trys hard to make that not happen, but when people are called out throughout the day to work when they haven’t, only the people that work suffer.

I haven’t lately due to lack of time. So busy during the week that sometimes you dont want to pay to work more on one of your 2 days off. Plus the early thing did get in the way a few times, so i wouldn’t be opposed to seeing a later session happening. I think with a later start you would see more people there (like track days since they start later). As for being up later after the autoX, i’m sure you could get other people to help out or put times up in the morning (if you stick around you can get your unofficial times anyways).