What's wrong with autox???

Last year we only had 1 there, and this year 2 of 8. If anything I think that this would increase participation at ECCN events because they’d go there instead of SeAD to get points.[/quote]

This one may make a small difference… maybe 10 since that’s about what FLR gets. But if competitiveness is the concern there, why don’t people seem to be concerned with times at Dunnville? For those that don’t know, back in the late 90’s we ran a RT class and had 50-60 people per event total.

This is thanks to the extra $5 weekend membership fee the SCCA forced on everyone. It’s goal is to increase membership.

I agree and understand these are having an impact. Though the lack of times at Dunnville would drive me crazy. If I’m wrong about the no time thing at Dunnville please let me know.

I’ve heard from too many poeple that have been around when local regions tried it and have heard things ranging from it sucked to it was a disaster, so that’s why it’s met resistance.

Not shooting the messenger, just providing counterpoints and explanations.

I agree there is something wrong and think that for the most part it’s in the gas, though it doesn’t seem to be hurting FLR as much as WNY which I find interesting since we’re cheaper and generally get more runs. Though I think having their 1st 2 events at RIT helped with their large novice crowd plus our weather has been sketchy.