What's wrong with autox???

Darien lake as well I’m sure.

Also, Marnie (and all),

I have added the requested schedule/event info page. Let me know what you think
(go to wny-scca.com , click on the “Solo Schedule” link in the left menu.


Looks good. :tup:

I’m late to the thread but the main reason I haven’t been to enthuastic about Autox this year is the ridiclous amount of downtime. At the first RIT event this year my first run was at 11:15am, my second run was at 1pm.

I don’t mind the whole $40 or 4 minutes so much, but when I have to wait almost 2 hours in between runs it ruins my day. I spend 40-60seconds on course, then don’t get to run it for so long that I never get a chance to learn it.

Open track days are fun if you want to amuse yourself, but without an instructor do you really learn much…?

The RIT course wasn’t designed for efficiency, that was hopefully an anomaly in throughput for the FLR region.

In WNY, we almost always get at least 5 runs plus fun runs, frequently we get 6 competition runs. Seneca Army Depot can be tougher to get these run counts, but we still shoot for 5 runs with a good turnout. The last event we had there, with a low turnout (60), we did 7 runs, and were at the bar in Geneva around 4.

But if that was your exposure to it, I can see your issue. Give it another shot, somewhere other then RIT, hopefully your experience will be better

Not all RIT courses are like that. It’s a tough lot to design courses that feel different without making it difficult to have a shorter start interval. Normally, we like to start cars 15 - 20 seconds shorter than where we have at the two RIT events so far this year. As Jon said, try another event. Variety is the spice of life :slight_smile:

I’ve been doing pretty much all the FLR events for the past 2-3 years and only recently have I noticed this. Seneca was kind of the same last year. I’d like to make it out to a WNY event just to try a different lot, but gas makes it an expensive trip these days. Is WNY doing heats?

As of right now we are not doing heats unless turnout dictates that we do (extremely low or extremely high), but we are tossing the idea around of trying it out for an event and seeing how people like it under normal circumstances.

Brad, I agree, not all RIT courses have that long a start interval, although its usually pretty long since the big part of the lot almost always is run twice in some way (cross over or literally twice. Tough tough site to design a course for, plus the fact that for some unknown reason you get 30 more people there then you get at SeAD, which by plain logic means less runs or longer day.

Looks good, but the ECC-N link is bad, it just takes me to a map of Williamsville. How about this: Google Maps

Thanks Marnie, all fixed


Not going to qoute and counterpoint everything said in this thread.

But we are trying something different at this year’s novice school…

  • one “run what you brung” class, yes timing will be going
  • no course work (or very little)
  • easy to read main course and a figure 8 in small lot
  • no “sea of cones”, if a cone isn’t relevant to driving the line then it doesn’t belong on course
  • not going to take up the whole day

We are aiming to get 10+ runs by 1:00 p.m. (more seat time than a normal auto-X)…

Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, providing the best newcomer experience, giving drivers a bunch of runs, without worrying about sending them to work and keeping them in the car as much as possible, not have them there for a full day.

I would have liked to start this a noon and run until 4 p.m., but someone had to start the BBQ early… :stuck_out_tongue:

If you are bored at ECC-N then your runs must be all within 1 second of each other. Anyone that has all thier runs within 1 sec of each other I will personally give you a refund.

Further details here: