What's you average water bill?

IIRC when we first moved in to our newly built house, our water bill was unreasonably high so we had the Erie County Water Authority come out to check everything. Our water meter was defective and they installed a new one. Our water bill was cut in half after that. You might want to have that checked.

Hmm good thinking, I’m going to look everything I can think of over real well to see if theres leaks anywhere I never noticed.

when i lived there it was 90-111 most months…


Mine is between 50-60 every 3 months. 4
people (2 kids)…4 showers a day atleast plus constant laundry, car washing and watering.

i meant quarter.

Usually about 50-60 dollars per quarter in west seneca for a 2 family house, with 4 people total.

I did put new flush valves in the toilets so they are using a little less water. Also installed a couple low flow shower heads.

We pay the water bill to Erie County Water, but I think that we get a separate charge on our property taxes for sewer.

I haven’t figured out yet if they are charging me for sewer usage, or they are just giving me a levy based on my property value for improvements they are making to the sewer system. It isn’t exactly clear on the West Seneca tax bills.

My mom’s in Hamburg is about $30/quarter. Mine- well water FTW, with a new well and water purifying system. Water tastes great.

Town of Tonawanda, 1600 sqft 1.5 Bath, 2 cats that drink alot of water lol, Wife and I, a 20x20" vegtable garden, shower daily, laundry daily, washing car, weekly, Amounts to about $50 every 3 months…and we usessss alot of wattterrr…

and we do have a .5 Gallon Toilet in the half bathroom that no one uses lol.

Just paid mine; just under $60 for 6 months of usage.

Cheektowaga; 1700sft house, just myself.

Forgot to update this, freakin hose spigget outside was leaking down the side of the house. The foundations a light gray that doesnt really change color when it gets wet so I didn’t see it. Replaced that thing so we’ll see if we’re better next billing cycle.

i live in north buffalo and my sewer/water bill is usually between 100-150 every quarter.