Price of gas/electric/utilities in Amherst

Looking to move to somewhere in Amherst for next school year, because I’m tired of this shitty/half ghetto South campus area. Yeah rent is cheap, but the roads are all broken, shits always falling apart in the house, cars and houses get broken into, some random murderer lives in the area (’s%20Most%20Wanted.htm ), and its annoying as hell getting people coming to my door begging for money or telling me they shoveled my driveway or raked my leaves, wtf? :wtf: Pretty depressing. :frowning:

Anyay I’m trying to figure out what my utilities will cost on average for around a 1200-1300 sq ft place with 3-5 people. I hear gas in Amherst is cheaper than in Buffalo for some reason?

Just wondering what everyone pays on average for gas and for electric in their homes in Amherst, especially during winter.


where abouts near South Campus do you live?

in witbner it all depends what u plan on setting the t-Stat at…

I live off Bailey, even if theres better areas around here, I definitely wanna move to Amherst lol.

Temperature you know normal, around 68* or whatever is the minimum comfortable during winter. Over here we seem to pay about $160 for gas a month, but its usually set around 60* and we use electric heaters in the bedrooms, and electric costs around $150 as well. I’m just looking to get a rough idea.

68? Probably around 400/mo in the dead of winter. Even with it shutting to around 55-60 at night. This really depends on ALOT of different things and can vary quite a bit.

Electric, around 100-120 for 3-5 people i’d imagine.

Water 20-30/mo

In my old Apt in amherst we had electric heat…and fuck it was cheap…never went above like 150/mo and me and raven used to crank that shit to like 80 w/ windows open…not to mention 2 computers & 2 tvs on 24/7