Whats your favorite beer/drink/shot?

I only drink 4 things: Whiskey, beer, coffee, water. In that order. Repeat.


Whiskey: Jack >*, although I try something new just about every time.
Beer: Sam Octoberfest is effing delicious, but again I try new things. Old faithful is Genny Lite.
Coffee: Wegman’s Organic Guatemalan Gold
Water: Tap.

Maker’s Mark Whiskey
100 proof SoCo
Ithaca Apricot Wheat
and I actually enjoy 151 shots

annnnnd of course keystone light. :lol:

honey brown
blue moon
jd w. coke

Coors, or Srooc (coors backwards) shot, Liquid Heroin( 151, jager, goldschlager) dont believe the name?- fuckin try one-Mary.

heineken and jim beam white.

Rolling Rock
RB and Vodka

ive just started ordering a shot of beam and a cold budweiser at the bar everytime i get a drink.

i like.


I only drink 4 things: Whiskey, beer, coffee, water. In that order. Repeat.



you sound just like my dad. except replace the whiskey with merlot.

i swear the man lives off of water, booze, and brews :tup:

I just had goldschlager for the first time last night. I like!


beer: Blue Moon & Guiness black and tan (has to be layered good)
drink: 9 parts rum, 1 part coke
shot: Wild Turkey

My dad makes 190 proof vodka, yes 190 PROOF! I took a double shot and I was afraid to smoke a cigarette after.


yeah I hate when youre really drunk and you have a smoke and it feels like your head is going to float away…is like “wow did gravity just increase from the neck down” lol.

beer: blue moon or newcastle brown ale
mixed drink: redbull stoli
shot: usually crown but newfound pb&j (1 part chambord/ 1 part frangelico)

Beer: Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, Yuengling, Blue Moon
Mixed Drink: Captain and Coke, Alabamma Slamma
Wine: Red Cat
Shot: Sambuca Bonghits

And why is is that Cherry Wheat is only available as a 6 pack? And yes, draft is better, but I gots to get bottles for my fridge. :slight_smile:


yeah I hate when youre really drunk and you have a smoke and it feels like your head is going to float away…is like “wow did gravity just increase from the neck down” lol.



can we please just change your screen name to picard, because I swear to god you are the only person to ever post that has actually made me do that in real life.

beer: leinenkugels sunset wheat

drink: crown and coke, Jim Jones Koolaid

Shot: ??? Crown?

Beer: Tsingtao
Drink: Red Bull & Grey Goose
Shot: SOCo and Lime

Beer: Beamis Stout
Drink: Goose and Red bull, Goose and tonic is a close second.
Shot: Girly shots cause i’ll barf almost always :frowning:

^are you kidding? All I see you drink is rb and vodki

cherry wheat FTW :slight_smile:

Beer: can’t go wrong with Sam Adams

Shot: Jamison :slight_smile:

mixer: Crown and water… fuck yeah

cherry wheat tastes like cough syrup to me on some nights

flame suit on


cherry wheat tastes like cough syrup to me on some nights

flame suit on


i agree 100%, except not for some nights. cherry wheat just tastes like cough syrup.

you know what is good though? guiness and cherry wheat a la black and tan (cherry wheat instead of bass)

dunnio if its been posted but.

beer - cherry wheat + bemish (or guniess) poured like a half and half over a spoon. choco. covered cherry. mmmm good