Whats your favorite beer/drink/shot?

look one post up n00b

beer: wolaver’s oatmeal stout when i’m baller. newcastle when i’m sipping. coors light when i’m getting sloshed.

drink: whiskey and water, whiskey and club soda, or gin and tonic.

shot: Dr. Julius Kessler.


Shot: Nope


:cjerk: remember when you were cool?

Beer- Coors, Sam Adams, Blue Moon

Mixed- Anything


if it has alcohol in it ill usually drink it…


shot: Dr. Julius Kessler.


i hate him.

remember when YOU were cool? :wink:

Dr J has the cure for all of my ailments. Edit

Shot: Dr. Julius Kessler

im a fan of gin and tonic (two limes) and super dummy 18.


i hate him.

remember when YOU were cool? :wink:


touché sir. :lol:


Dr J has the cure for all of my ailments. Edit

Shot: Dr. Julius Kessler



Coors Light
Crown Royal

I love Sam’s Octoberfest. I’m wondering how much I should stock up on since it’s only available a short time.

And I can’t believe how many people like Cherry Wheat. I hate that stuff. It’s like someone mixed cough syrup in my beer.

drinking :gay:

no drinking to purposely get hammered or to drink problems away is :gay: have a social drink is not…