Whats your Favorite Beer V. Heavy beers only

This is my favorite bear.


Magic Hat #9 or Jinx

u hit it right on the nose… number 9 is the best

as i’m reading down i’m like, “no one has said #9, omg” then…damn. my vote is for #9, jinx is ok, circus boy is very good as well (unfiltered)

I wouldn’t consider Magic Hat a “heavy beer”

:word: blue moon pumpkin ale is the shit :tup:

only place to really get it is in bars though… I know consumers carries it, but the last time I got a 6 pack it cost me like 14.00 and they were pretty old

^ $14 for the pumpking ale 6 pack, You should have paid taht for a 12

we sell blue moon at wilson farms. personally i havent tried many heavy beers. i tried guiness and hated it, so i stuck to what i know since then.

damn you mingle. i saw this thread and was going to make the same joke. robbed.

whats that? Coors/bud/labatts?

guiness or anything saranac, especially their winter mix pack. delicious

you want a heavy dark beer that’s delicious?

wolaver’s oatmeal stout


im actually a huge fan of yeungling original and molson XXX…but when im out to just get smashed yes…coors/budlight are my choices there. ive been meaning to try blue moon though, intense98rt says it amazing.

Its def. tough to funnel a leaded beer.

But its easy to get smashed on the good stuff, It sneaks up on you. I also find that it does not leave as much of a hangover as coor/budlight.

blue moon is great, but it doesn’t come anywhere near any kind of semblance to belonging in this thread.

don’t get me wrong, coors is great if you want to get smashed.

hop devil ale is good if you want something heavy. so is imperial stout. i <3 v for victory.

better beers net better results. and the good stuff giving less of a hangover is true with basically any alcohol. drink well vodka/whiskey all night and you’ll be a lot more hungover than if you were drinking top shelf.

yea word… goose all night… and you are golden the next morning.

i really don’t understand the rave for blue moon… there are soo many better beers out there

Dex saves the day, thanks. The Flying Bison Oatmeal stout is also fantastic as well as the Samuel Smith’s variety. I also like Young’s Double Chocolate stout.

sam adams utopias :tup:

Not that heavy but Sam Cherry Wheat. I could drink that stuff all night