whatsup everyone

just a lil introduction, most of u will recognize me online as “93pgt” but that name hasn’t fit in forever, so yea get used to this new one :slight_smile: Name is jay, own a 3rd gen rx7 and a 240sx…and before anyone asks no the rx7 isn’t done yet haha sooner than later i hope tho…

so yea, hope u guys enjoy the board, i think it should take off pretty smoothly with who’s involved! cya around

So is the FD done yet Jay??? :lol:

I think we’re both happier here instead of there (man can I get anymore cryptic?)

I think I know you from somewhere :wink:



Skunk you fucking postwhore…

yes…the kid with 102 post is telling me this…:slight_smile:

plus…i’m bored at work…i need something to do

I have 102 posts because I am MAKING QUALITY posts, not just “LOL” and “HAHAHHAHAH”.

LOL hahahahahahahahaha…welcome to the new era

oh blow it out your ass…maybe things are funny…ok you know what…if soemthing is funny in a certain thread…i will go into a large paragraph on why it’s funny…

basically i’ll write a 1000 word essay for you and ill have it on ur desk by next week

^^^you’re an ass :rofl:

so you could have said… “bite me” and gotten the same message across…

oh and hahahahahahahahahahahaha… hahahahaha…ha ha ah … LOL LOL HAHAHAHA HA HAHAHAH HAH HAHAHAHAHA AH HAH AHAHAH !!! oh yeah… it wasn’t funny. my bad…

Your woman is telling you to shut the pie hole… Take the hint, fawker!! :rofl:

I still love you Skunk-a-saurus Rex…

hahahahahahahahhahahhaha :rofl: damn straight!

yea…i could have said bite me and got the same message across but lemme tell you why i didn’t do that…

matt would have gotten mad…then he would have probably yelled at me for being a post whore. Then i would have had to say something back…then it would be going back and forth…then matt and i would be pissy at each other…then basically i wouldn’t get my hotTt man love from him tonight…and i’m not gonna jepordize that chance…

oh… I am glad you set me straight…

Chris, arent you jealous you cant get hotttt man love from skunky tonight? :rofl:

i love you too my hunk of man…

what woman…:gotme:…

i don’t recall a woman anymore :slight_smile:


