wheel bearing help NOW

im trying to change my wheel bearing…i had woody over helping for a few hours, but everytime i make any progress…i need a diff size tool i dont have…we went and got like 4 diff things now hes gone and im almost done and i need a 21mm socket i think…if its not, its a 22mm…if anyone wants to save me and come to my house asap soon, ill love you

I would if I had a 21 or 22. I’ll see if I can find someone who does.

How far is your house? Call me, or have Josh call me.


i live about a block from you…i called…it went to voice mail…2289799 is my #

if they wernt scattered all over my garage, id help ya out.

i got the tools…now im just having stupid troubles getting shit apart…rx3 is on his way…i think sttealth, gsx, onyx and whoever else is coming later :confused:

yeah man, I can’t get ahold of justin…he was supposed to be here…I’ll check in with ya when/if he gets here…

ahh sorry i just saw you called :tdown:, had my phone on silent while i was playing initial d :frowning:

sorry man

ok i got the control arm away from the knuckle…HOW THE FUCK DO I GET THE TIE-ROD AWAY FROM THE KNUCKLE??? I have the nut off, i can swivle everything around…it just WONT come apart

Put the nut back on so it is flush with the end of the “bolt”. This will prevent damage ot the threads. Use a hammer on the nut.

Put the nut on so the “castles” are up.


or maybe if you have a pickle fork that could come in handy?

i have the nut on…andim beating and beating and beating it…its not budging…a pickle fork i do not have

sludge hammer?

how about a friggn jackhammer…im so irritated right now

http://franklin-tools.co.uk/acatalog/TA330.gifballjoint separator

well whatever…that…a pickle fork…i have neither, so im going to bed

you get this thing fixed yet?

i got a pickle fork that did NOTHING except for fuck up the boot for the ball joint…the knuckle is completely off except for the tir rod…its just hanging there…i talked to racerx…i think blk300tt and i are gonna drink some burrrs and workon this later tonight then tomorrow take it to the machine shop i work at tomorrow to knock out that bearing/press the new one in :confused:

ok uh…it wont come apart…im furious…will someone who knows what theyre doing just come and do it, please :frowning: