
You clean cut motherfucker, it had to be you. :lol

Alpine, what middle eastern country are you from?


fucking leviathans screwing everything up

Nice pants Brett.

This is exactly why I never have big parties anymore, nor am I having a shit ton of poeple at the camp anymore. Shit gets fucked up, and disrespected, which is bullshit. Keep it to a smaller group of responsible(ish :lol) friends and leave it at that imo. Btw Wayne, we need to have our black asses a few drinks sometime soon, I havent seen ya since WWII!

thats cus adumb goes into hiding come warmer months

Italy, although I do see some Afghani in him.

You did, but it wasnt you… I’m pretty sure it was a polo shirt? I honestly can’t remember too well, I was hammered. If I had a pic of everyone at the party I could probably narrow it down.

You’re absolutely right. I started this because I don’t want to be “that guy” since I heard a lot of people saying that it was me. I can tell you that whoever threw it definitely didn’t know she was there until it went off. You should facebook stalk all of the younger kids that were there and send me pics, I may be able to point him out.

^ I don’t have time to FB Stalk people I have better shit to do with my time. I don’t even know what “younger” kids you are talking about.

I don’t care who did it at this point. It’s dragged on for long enough- It happened, it was unfortunate for Wheeler and his wifey and ultimately at the end of the day we will not be inviting anyone from shift (except for a select few) to our house again.


We invited you jerk! You just didn’t show up…

yea from now on just leave the aiming fireworks at pregnant ladies to the parties at my house.

(please note that this is a joke, i don’t want this happening anywhere, and there’s reasons why i have very few parties now, cause shit like this does happen)

If I hear about someone throwing a firework at someone again I’m going to find the culprit and punch an M80 up their asshole.


about someone throwing a firework at someone

Wife issues lol . Story of my life recently

We should start a club. We’ll call it “Fat guys named John/Jon that own Camaro’s, have wife troubles and hate Howard Tanner.”