wheelie-cunt vs. suckling the teet-cunt

I fist fucked a unicorn with a waffle cone.

Sucks when a few people give the rest a bad name, right?

proudddd of you

Well fuck, I was looking forward to coming home to some more drama… Now I gotta wait a few weeks and find someone else.

JDaniels, I heard you were the one being fisted?

dude really ? dont bring that shit up .its really not neaded

This next bit of lol IS NOT directed at Tony…this thread simply reminded me of it.

But I’ve got a friend that claims that he ‘works his ass off’, and he sells RC Helicopters from home…HHAHAHA


He’s 50 and never had a real job, literally lived off of his parents money his whole life, until he found his calling in life-selling RC Helicopters.

What’s he drive? MC12?

I drive a Lexus, Tony drives a dumpy Chevy.

whose the the party that should be jealous here?

Many cars that I’m sure that he’d say that he ‘worked for’. Yeah I’m kinda talking shit as he’s irritated me as of late.

lol @ the guy


Is he the guy you made the thread about? You sure he’s on Shift?

Yeah, you’re talking shit. Don’t get your ass kicked by an old man.


Johnny, I think he brought it up because the Viper comment was what started the thread…

I think it’s over with, everyone had their fun.


I believe that the ROFLCOPTER is more appropriate here.

Oh, and lets race our dumpy Chevy’s soon. My 4L60e is about to bite it, I might as well give it one last beat down…

mine did lolol .my new one should be in this week or early next

I feel the hatred towards auto transmissions!