Wheeling tonight for POKER.

Yeah, it can be nerve racking… when someone puts you all in… its a lot more than $200-$300. At the $5-$10 at Wheeling, you really have to watch, there are a few players down there that are backed by bookies, etc… I usually hit up the $2-$5 tables down there… its a lot better than sitting at the $1/$2 tables where everyone sucks out on you. Sometimes the $5-$10 table plays $5-$10-$20 mandatory straddle . One night down there on the 5/10, someone had $26,000 in front of them, then floor took away the max buy in of $1500 and raised it to unlimited. They did that around 2am, people were calling the regulars to tell them how much money was on the table and there is no cap on the buy in and boy all the regulars started to roll in, one guy Bill bought in for $8000 that night.