when are you going to die????

Wednesday, August 6, 2070

i love there body mass index … wayyy off … it calculates me at 29% … it’s like 17% last time i had it checked lol edit: nm body mass must be diffrent than body fat

Saturday, July 30, 2072

also says i’ll live a year longer if i smoke … whew thank God i cought that in time … i quit for so long i’m gunna start back up

time to start being optomistic… it adds 9 years over normal… sadistic took me from 2059 down to 2022 yea FUCK THAT

oh yea n aparently it doesnt matter if i smoke er not im 2059’s there im at… 74’s kinda OK i guess

Hmmm…I have always had this thought of dying young but dang

Thursday, June 23, 2033

12/12/05 ?!? OH SHIT!



Wednesday, July 4, 2018

happy independance day! I’ll be 39. I always said i was going to die before 40.

mine says Sept. 18th, 2059

deathclock.com has been around for years. my social studies teacher in middle school told us about the site and he used to laugh because he was like, I was supposed to die 10 years ago …

you guys that are gonna die on Monday: stop xmas shopping. If you live to see Tuesday, then I’m sorry for the bad advise.

*I hope you don’t really believe that thing. Everyone dies, but NOBODY knows when. Even doctors that treat cancer patients can be wrong. (a co-worker’s spouse got the “you have 6 months to live” speech multiple times…)

hehe…I just had my mom take it. She was supposed to die in May 1997.

Sunday, October 24, 2055
Seconds left to live… 1,574,087,818

In russia it means good luck when somebody thinks that you’re dead.

MAY 16, 2059. seems like a long time, does this mean im invinsible until then?


i always got some years on 207X though…

Tuesday, October 18, 2072

:lol: yeah fucking right…

Friday, January 12, 2074

fuck. i don’t want to be 90.
