when are you going to die????

idk if its a repost of not…but check this out


im good to go…may 30th 2072… that would make me 89 yrs old…w00t w00t :lol:

mine says ive only got till Jan 7 2055

before I clicked the link, I predict April 8, 2069
took the test: December 29, 2056. only 51 years to go. (normal, non-smoker, <25)
fucked the test: December 29, 2019. (switched to Sadistic, smoker, >45)
unfucked the test: March 14, 2069 (switched to Optimistic, non-smoker, <25)

ive had this theory that im gonna die in december of 2034 for some reason.

ill take the test and post what it says.

Nope its full of shit. Jan 5th 2057


Wednesday, September 26, 2035
Seconds left to live…[color=black]940,569,603

Oh snap!

Wednesday, October 17, 2040

wtf ur a smoker anfd were living till the same day

i did put in that im a smoker too…muahahahahahahahhaha…i just kick ass aparently

Sunday, May 20, 2063

So I’ll almost live to my 90th birthday. Wow…

Then again, I could have died 5 years ago. Not bad

I put optimistic for the first one. Then changed to pessimistic

Wednesday, February 28, 2029

Hit refresh, it changes the date every time.

Monday, July 7, 2036 :frowning:

July 3, 2062.

I really hope it’s before that.

when i kept clicking the button it kept changing my date, even though i didnt change anything.

Jan 30, 2015.

9 years to go…

I’d be honored if you gave my eulogy.

[color=black]Monday, May 24, 2060 [/color]

December 12, 2005

Should I be woried or excited?

mine says saturday october 15th, 2046…ill be 60 yrs old, thats fucking young im scared, just watching that clock tick down gives me the creeps

Personal Day of Death is… http://www.deathclock.com/images/rip_bottom.gif Saturday, February 11, 2079
Seconds left to live…

woohoo…97 years old fuckers!!!

lol i took the test last year,I actually lost like 40 years because I lost 60lbs :lol:

Saturday, April 6, 2047
Seconds left to live…

and how come it adds 20+ years if I was a smoker :gotme:

Don’t die :frowning: